Ethical Corporate Management


Integrity is the core value of Pegatron’s culture. The Company complies with Ethical Corporate Management Policy and Codes of Ethical Conduct that the Board of Director approved on November 10th, 2014. The Company verified business activities within the business scope which are possibly at higher risks of being involved in an unethical conduct and assigned HR & ADM Center, Legal & IPR Center, Audit Office, Stock Affairs Office and relevant departments to set up preventive measures. The preventive measures, penalties, and reporting channels are stipulated in the Code of Business Ethics and Business Gifts and Entertainment Policy. All business units and employees are required to follow these policies under any business engagement. Any significant violations and findings will be reported to the Board of Directors annually.

Unethical Conduct Reporting

To assist stakeholders in understanding the Company’s ethical standards, Pegatron set forth a "Code of Moral Conduct" based on the "Guidelines for the Adoption of Codes of Ethical Conduct by TWSE/GTSM Listed Companies" and "Procedures for Handling Unethical Conduct Reporting Cases". In addition, a dedicated email box and hotline has been established by the Internal Audit unit as a grievance channel for stakeholders. The Company will investigate every claim, take appropriate measures and issue penalties for any violations found. The Company will provide protection to whistle blowers and personnel involved in investigations against unfair treatment or retaliation.

Contact: Ms. Lu
Hotline: +886-2-5563-1275
Email :